These delicious melt in the mouth crackers are so so quick to whip together and will keep for a week in an air tight container. Crumbly and melty rather than crunchy so great to serve from 6 months old.

These delicious melt in the mouth crackers are so so quick to whip together and will keep for a week in an air tight container. Crumbly and melty rather than crunchy so great to serve from 6 months old.
Add the flour, cayenne, smoked paprika and butter to your food processor and blitz till it resembles fine breadcrumbs.
Add the cheese and chia seeds and blitz again. Now add the egg in stages till the dough comes together (you may not need all the egg).
Tip the dough out onto the floured work surface, it’ll form into a ball easily.
Cut into 4, and roll out each section to around 3 mm thick, dusting with flour as you go. Keep moving the dough between each roll to ensure you get an even thickness and to stop it from sticking to the surface.
Use a cookie cutter or a knife to shape the crackers. Any excess dough, gather up and re-roll.
Place on a non stick baking tray and prod with a fork or chopstick.
Bake at 200d/370f in a fan oven for 8-10 minutes until coloured slightly and crisped up. Check after 8 minutes as these can catch quickly. Suitable from 6 months. For under 1’s shape the crackers into finger-length strips so they are easy to hold. Keep raw unrolled dough for 3 days in fridge or 3 months in the freezer.